Please take a moment to renew your child's registration with Flixton Juniors AFC by completing the form below. Once submitted, you will receive an email with instructions for completing your payment via BACS or PayPal. Thank you for your continued support!
Please Email a Passport style photo, of your child to registerflixtonjuniors@gmail.com and include the players name for refference.
Young Players Code of Conduct
When playing football, I will:
Always do my best, even if we are losing or the other team is stronger
Play fairly — I won’t cheat, complain or waste time
Never be rude to my team-mates, the other team, the referee, spectators, my
team manager or coaches
Do what the referee tells me
Shake hands with the other team and referee at the end of the game
Listen to my team manager and respect what he says
Talk to someone I trust, for example my parents or the Club Welfare Officer, if
I’m unhappy about anything at the club
I understand that breaches of the code may result in action being taken by my County FA and / or the FA.
Parents, Carers & Spectators Code of Conduct
I will: Inform team managers of any special medical needs or injuries that a player may have.
Don’t leave children unsupervised at matches or training without the prior agreement of the Manager.
Inform team managers if a player will be unavailable for matches or training as soon as possible
Be on time for training and matches
Ensure children are appropriately equipped for training and matches (including shin pads, suitable footwear, suitable warm clothing and a drink)
Remain outside the field of play and behind the designated spectator area
Never engage in, or tolerate, offensive, insulting or abusive language or behaviour
Always respect the decisions of the match officials
Set a good example and applaud effort and good play for both teams
Please always ensure that your children DO NOT climb on the storage containers and keep out of the wooded area at Wellacre
Not take any dogs onto the premises at Wellacre
When working with players, I will:
Remember that children play for FUN
Let the manager / coaches do their job and not confuse players by telling them what to do
Encourage the players to respect the opposition and match officials
Never criticise a player for making a mistake —mistakes are part of learning
I understand that breaches of the code may result in action being taken by my County FA and / or the FA.
Adult Player Code of Conduct
on and off the field of play, I will:
Adhere to the Laws of the Game
Display and promote high standards of behaviour
Promote fair play and behave within the spirit of the Laws of the Game
Always respect the decisions of the match officials
Never engage in public criticism of the match officials
Never engage in offensive, insulting or abusive language or behaviour
Avoid bullying, intimidation and poor behaviour
Speak to my team-mates, the opposition and my coach / manager with respect
Ask my team captain to talk to the referee if I have a problem relating to the
Remember we all make mistakes
Shake hands with the opposing team and the match officials at the end of every match
I understand that breaches of the code may result in action being taken by my County FA and / or the FA.